About The Wood In The Kit
We strive to supply good quality materials in all SIG kits. However wood is a highly variable material (unlike man-made plastic
or metal), so every single wood part in a kit will probably not have flawless appearance. Often things that look like an
imperfection are actually quite acceptable when you consider the function the part will serve. Mineral stains and tiny knots do
not seriously affect balsa wood strength. Also, there is a natural tendency for some balsa sticks and sheets to immediately bow
upon being cut off from a perfectly square block due to internal stresses in the wood. In most cases, bows in wood parts (such
as leading edges) readily straighten out as they are glued into a structural unit. Likewise Lite-Ply fuselage sides, formers, and
doublers that are warped will usually straighten right out when they are glued in place. If you are in doubt about the suitability of
any part in your kit for it’s intended purpose, call or write to us for assistance and/or a replacement part.
Additional Components Needed
The following items are not supplied in this kit but are needed to complete the KADET LT-40. Because of the wide variety of
brands available and the influence of personal preferences, the choice of these items is left to the builder to select.
.30 to .40 cu. in. 2-Stroke Glow R/C Engine w/Muffler, or .40 to .50 cu. in. 4-Stroke Glow R/C Engine w/Muffler
Engines larger than those listed are not recommended! Use of oversize engines will cause balance problems and may
overload the structure of the airplane. The KADET LT-40 has a light wing loading and does not need a super "hot" engine to
fly well! Any normally ported .40 2-stroke glow R/C engine will provide adequate power to fly the KADET LT-40. We believe
that the .40 2-stroke glow R/C engine will be the most commonly used engine in the KADET LT-40, so that is what we’ve
shown on the full-size plans and in this instruction book.
Propellers are a subject that can fill a book all by themselves! There are a large variety of propeller sizes available, and
selecting the best one to use on your KADET LT-40 will depend mostly on which engine you end up buying. Refer to the
instruction sheet that comes with your engine for a recommended propeller size. If the engine manufacturer lists several
possible sizes, pick the one that sounds like it is for a slower flying model - choose "sport or scale" instead of "pattern or
racing". Also, be sure to read "THE BASICS OF RADIO CONTROL" book for more tips on propellers. As a general rule, if
you are going to use a normal .40 2-stroke glow R/C engine in your KADET LT-40, you will undoubtedly use a 10-6 propeller,
as noted on Plan Sheet 1.
Radio Control System
You will need a (minimum) 4-channel radio control system with 4 servos to operate the ailerons, elevator, rudder, and engine
throttle of your KADET LT-40. The KADET’s fuselage is spacious enough that any common brand of radio equipment with
standard size servos and battery pack can be used. Be certain that your radio system transmits on one of the FCC-approved
frequencies for R/C model aircraft. See "THE BASICS OF RADIO CONTROL" book for more information on radio equipment
and frequencies.
1/2"x8"x12" Soft Foam Rubber (such as SIGRF-240)
Used to protect your radio receiver and battery pack from damaging engine vibration. Also used as packing around the fuel
tank and radio components to keep them from shifting around in flight.
#67 Rubber Bands (such as SIGSH-747)
Used to hold the wing on the fuselage. Always use at least 12 rubber bands when flying. Replace any bands that have
stretched out or have become oil soaked.
3 Rolls of Covering Material (such as SIG AEROKOTE COVERING)
Although the KADET LT-40 can be finished with a wide variety of covering materials (some which need to be painted and
some which don’t), this instruction book assumes that the beginner will use one of the popular pre-finished iron-on plastic film
coverings. In the Covering and Finishing section of these instructions you will find a "COVERING CUTTING DIAGRAM"
which shows how to cut 3 standard (26" wide x 6 ft. long) rolls of iron-on film covering to fit the KADET LT-40.
4 oz. of Fuel-Proof Paint (such as SIG SUPERCOAT DOPE)
For fuel-proofing the engine compartment, tank area, wing saddle, and ends of the wing dowels.
Summary of Contents for KADET LT-40
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