Learning To Fly RC
The KADET LT-40 is designed to give you the best possible chance to succeed in learning to fly R/C. However, learning to
fly model airplanes is not a skill you can learn overnight. It’s very similar to learning to fly a real airplane in that you should
go through a learning phase with an instructor before you try to pilot the airplane yourself. A lot of things can go wrong with
these machines, and if you are not prepared to deal with them instantly, you will loose your brand new airplane in a crash.
To practically eliminate any chance that your first flight will end in disaster, we strongly recommend that you seek the
assistance of a competent R/C pilot to help you with your first flights.
An instructor serves two purposes. First, he will take your model up for its first test flight to make sure it is performing
properly before you try to fly it. When a brand new R/C model takes off for the first time, there is no way of knowing which
way it is going to go. Some models will try to climb steeply, while others may want to go down.
Some will try to turn left, other right. Some models will be doing both at the same time! It doesn’t mean that there is
anything wrong with the model, but these minor differences must be "trimmed out" in order for the model to fly "hands-off"
straight and level. An experienced pilot can instantly correct for out of trim conditions before the model crashes into the
ground. An inexperienced beginner has almost no chance of saving an out of trim model!
The second reason for an instructor is to be there to correct any mistakes you make when you take over the controls for
the first time. Let the instructor get the model airborne and flying straight and level at a safe attitude ("several mistakes
high" as the old saying goes) before he turns the transmitter over to you. You will quickly find out that it is very easy to over
control an R/C model and to get disoriented - EVERYONE DOES IT AT FIRST! If you get out of control on your first flight,
quickly hand the transmitter back to your instructor so he can rescue the airplane. He will get it leveled off and then let you
try it again. Without an instructor, you would not get a second chance!
In addition to not over controlling, another problems beginners need to overcome is the left/right control reversal that
happens when a model is flying towards you one minute, away from you the next. For example, if you were seated in the
cockpit of a full-scale airplane and moved the control stick to the right, the airplane would always turn to your right. Moving
the control stick to the left, the airplane would always turn to your left. Well that’s not always true with an R/C airplane! If
the model is flying away from you, the controls are normal - right stick makes the airplane go right, left stick makes the
airplane go left. But when the model is flying towards you, the controls are reversed - now when you move the stick to the
right, the model turns to its right, but that means it turns to your left! This control reversal is very confusing to all first time
R/C pilots! More than a few licensed full-scale pilots have found out that flying R/C airplanes is a lot different than flying
full-scale airplanes because of this phenomenon.
It’s not that learning to fly R/C is difficult, it’s just a lot different than anything you have ever done before. Anyone can learn
to fly the KADET LT-40 if they are willing to listen and learn! Remember the first time you tried to ride a bicycle? It seemed
completely awkward the first time, but once you learned how, it quickly became very easy. Learning to fly R/C model
airplanes also comes quickly to many people.
Fly your KADET LT-40 as often as possible. After you get a few flights under your belt with an instructor at your side, you
will begin to feel more comfortable at the controls. Soon you will be flying "solo" with little thought of the moves required. It
will just come naturally! Don’t get discouraged if you have a minor crack-up. Repair the damage and get back into the air
as soon as possible.
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SIG MFG. CO., INC............Montezuma, Iowa 50171-0520
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