94. Slide die-cut plywood part FT-R
(fuselage top rear) underneath the
rubber bands at formers F3, F4, F5, and
F6, and work it towards the tail, into
final position between the fuselage
sides. Lock the tabs on the sides of FT-
R into the corresponding notches in the
fuselage sides.
NOTE: Be sure to install FT-R with the
slot for the rudder pushrod on the left
side of the airplane, as shown in the
Fuselage Top View on Plan.
Turn the fuselage assembly upside
down on the workbench and slip die-cut
plywood parts FB-F (fuselage bottom
front) and FB-R (fuselage bottom rear)
into place. Lock the tabs on the sides of
FB-F and FB-R into the corresponding
notches in the fuselage sides.
Slip die-cut plywood parts F7 and Tank Floor in their correct locations. Notice that
both these parts should sit on shelves provided by the cutouts in doubler FD.
Slip die-cut plywood part F8 in place between the fuselage sides at the tail end of
the structure. Use rubber bands and/or tape to hold the fuselage sides together
against F8. Make sure the top surface of part F8 is level with, or just slightly
below, the edges of the fuselage sides - not above!
Now you will start gluing the fuselage parts together!
Lay the fuselage on its side on the building board, and press down firmly on the
fuselage side directly above former F2. This should cause the former and the
fuselage sides to lock tightly together in square alignment. Be sure you are
pushing straight down - not off to one side, which would cause a twist in the
structure. If everything looks good, run a bead of Medium CA along the side of F2
to glue it permanently to the fuselage side. When dry, turn the fuselage over and
repeat the process to glue the other side of former F2 to the other fuselage side.
Repeat the process described in the last step to glue formers F1 and F3 to both
fuselage sides.
Glue the Tank Floor and part F7 to the fuselage sides. Also glue the front of the
Tank Floor to the back of F1.
Set the fuselage upside down on the building board, and double check that part
FB-F (fuselage bottom front) is in correct position. Make sure the bottom of FB-F
is flush with the fuselage sides, and that the fuselage sides are pulled in tight
against the sides of FB-F. Use more rubber bands and/or masking tape if
necessary to hold the parts in correct position. Then flow Thin CA into the side
Turn the fuselage over and use Medium CA to glue FB-F to the bottom of formers F1 and F2. When dry, remove all rubber
bands and tape from the front of the fuselage, in the area of parts F1, F2, and FB-F.
Glue the die-cut plywood Windshield in place.
Summary of Contents for KADET LT-40
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