A.2 PSS classification
SIRIUS ACT 3SU1 pushbuttons and signaling devices
System Manual, 08/2018, A5E03457306020A/RS-AK/010
4. Earlier Versions, Upgrade and Power Pack
4.1 If from the Order Data or the CoL it is apparent, e.g. through the additional identification
of "Upgrade" or "Power Pack" in the product name of the Software, that the Software is to
serve as an Upgrade for another Software, on such upgrading the rights of use granted to an
Earlier Version shall cease. The rights of use in accordance with Section 4.3 shall not be
affected hereby.
4.2 The customer has the right, insofar as it has in its due possession an Earlier Version of
the Software, to exercise the rights of use granted to the Software either in relation to the
Software itself or –insofar as such is technically foreseen – to the Earlier Version.
4.3 Insofar as Earlier Versions are listed in the Readme file of the Software under the section
"Parallel Use", the Customer shall have the right to exercise the rights of use granted to the
Software as an alternative also on the Earlier Versions listed therein in one (1) instance. If in
the Order Date or in the CoL the named "Type of Use" is: "Installation" or "User", the
Customer may use the Earlier Versions listed in the Readme file in addition to the licensed
Software and parallel to the Software on the number of instances for which it is allowed to
install or use the acquired Software. Any transfer of Earlier Versions to a third party is
permissible only together with the transfer of Software in accordance with Section 5.4 et seq.
5. Further Rights and Duties of the Customer
5.1 The Customer shall have no right to rent out or in any other way license Software or to
publicly make available or accessible such by way of cable or wireless or make available
such to third parties for any charge or free of charge, for example, in the course of the
application service providing or as 'Software as a Service'.
5.2 The legal right of the Customer to the generation of a back-up copy shall remain
5.3 The Customer shall not change the software nor decompile it or translate the software or
extract program elements insofar as such is not permitted in accordance with the provisions
of copyright law. Insofar as the Customer acts under any of these provisions of law as such
is necessary in order to establish the interoperability to an independently obtained computer
program, the Customer shall, before undertaking such measures, request the necessary
interface information or other information from Siemens in writing and allow Siemens a
reasonable time and opportunity to make such information available so that the legitimate
interests of Siemens can be protected. In addition, the Customer is not entitled to remove
any alphanumerical identification, brands or copyright labels from the Software or the data
medium and shall, insofar as the Customer is entitled to generate copies of the Software,
copy such without alteration.
5.4 The Customer is entitled to transfer any Software acquired by the Customer in the
course of a purchase from Siemens to a third party. In such case the Customer shall cease
fully to use the Software and shall remove all installed copies of the Software from its
equipment and its instances and erase any copies located on other data medium or, at the
request of Siemens, shall provide such to Siemens insofar as the Customer is not required to
retain such for a longer period in accordance with the law. The use of any such retained
copies is prohibited.