AS-Interface 3SU14
11.10 Configuring the AS-Interface
SIRIUS ACT 3SU1 pushbuttons and signaling devices
System Manual, 08/2018, A5E03457306020A/RS-AK/010
Configuring the AS-Interface
Setting the AS-i address
Operation of the addressing unit is described in the operating instructions of the AS-Interface
addressing unit (article number of the operating instructions: 3ZX1012-0RK10-4AB1).
Unique addressing
In the factory setting, a module for AS-Interface has the address 0. It is detected by the
master as a new slave that has not yet been addressed and, in this condition, has not yet
been integrated in standard communication/data exchange. The modules for AS-Interface
are A/B slaves in accordance with AS-i spec. 2.1.
To enable data to be exchanged between the master and slaves, you have to assign a
unique address for each slave (i.e. each slave address must be different) when
commissioning the AS-Interface network.
You can select any address in the address range 1A to 31A and 1B to 31B.
Addresses can also be assigned once the devices have been installed.
Addressing the slaves
You can set the slave address in different ways:
Offline with the addressing unit via the addressing socket or at the AS-i connection;
Recommended when assigning addresses for the entire system. The direct connection
between the slave and addressing unit ensures that the slave modules are not mixed up.
Online by the AS-i master and in the PLC configuration software.
Recommended for assigning addresses to individual slaves if an addressing unit is not
available. Before assigning addresses, you must ensure that each address exists only
once in the AS-i network, that is, several new, additional modules (with address 0 in the
factory setting) must not be connected to the AS-i cable.
You can also find further information in the AS-Interface system manual
Follow-on switching operations after addressing
As soon as you have assigned a valid address, the master can start cyclic data
communication immediately, that is, outputs can be set or inputs read that result in follow-
up switching operations.
Make sure that you take appropriate measures to exclude the risk of hazardous conditions.
Disconnect the AS-i voltage, for example.