IO-Link 3SU14
12.2 Electronic modules for ID key-operated switches
SIRIUS ACT 3SU1 pushbuttons and signaling devices
System Manual, 08/2018, A5E03457306020A/RS-AK/010
Function of the LEDs in the ID key-operated switch
In the enclosure of the ID key-operated switch are 4 illuminated surfaces that can assume
the following states:
Showing a green light: Indication of the current key position and the switched outputs.
Flashing green: Indication of the temporary key position.
Showing a yellow light: Indication of the associated authorization level (key position that
can be reached by turning the rotary knob).
Flashing yellow (all 4 illuminated surfaces): Indication for the individually codable ID key
used that has not yet been configured.
Showing a red light: Indicates that the relevant key position is higher than permissible for
the relevant authorization level. (This key position cannot be reached by turning the rotary
knob.) The indicator also shows a red light when there is no ID key plugged in.
Flashing red (all 4 illuminated surfaces): When using a colored ID key with permanently
encoded authorization level (ID group 1 to 4), this indicates when the parameter
"Individually codable ID keys only" is enabled.
Not illuminated: The electronic module is switched off.
Displayed colors