Updating the software
Data backup
If a system update is necessary, then the system data must be backed up so that no data is
lost in the case of a problem.
In this case, we recommend to perform two types of data backup.
1. Generate an image of the system CompactFlash Card ("clone", see also:This is how you
generate a software backup (Page 44)).
A backup is generated just in case an error occurs during the update. This means that it is
then possible to restore the "old system".
2. Generate an archive for series startup (see This is how you generate a setup archive on
an external data storage medium (Page 35)), in order to restore the machine-specific data.
The control is booted using a *.tgz file on the storage medium (CompactFlash Card or USB-
FlashDrive) in the slot at the front panel of the control.
Backup and archive the data of the control system to an external data carrier before booting.
Observe the information in the update instructions.
Updating the control
● The control system is switched off.
● The image for the update is saved on the CompactFlash card.
● The CompactFlash card is inserted in the slot on the front panel of the control.
1. Switch-on the control again, as the image can only be generated when booting. After the
control has been switched-on, the following display appears:
Service cases - software
3.4 Updating the software
Software and hardware
Service Manual, 08/2018, 6FC5397-5DP40-6BA1