5.1 Program
Operating Manual, 05/2019, C79000-G8976-C495-02
Result view
This group shows the setting options with which you display the processing results.
The "Refresh display" button provides a preview of the results of your settings in the program
steps of the "Program" menu.
Table 5- 63 Result view
Formation of result
Selection of formation of result view
formation of result
Activate/deactivate formation of result in the image display
When formation of result is enabled, processing of the current program step is conducted for each
new acquired image. For continuous live image display, the next image is not triggered until the
processing of the current image is completed.
When the "Program" page of the WBM is open, you can also enable or disable formation of result
directly on the reader using the "READ" button.
Update result
Restriction: The "Enable formation of result" function was previously selected and the reader is in
the "Edit" status.
Updates the result view in the image display.
To do so, the current image is processed once again.