6.3 Security
Operating Manual, 05/2019, C79000-G8976-C495-02
Checking validity period and revocation status
Note that the reader does not check the validity period or the revocation status of a
certificate. If these checks fail on the Web browser side, you may get locked out of the WBM
of the reader.
Table 6- 29 SSL certificate
Certificate type
You can select the file format of the device certificate from this drop-
down list.
In this file format, the certificate file and certificate key file are
stored in separate files.
PKCS #12
In this file format, the certificate file and certificate key file are
stored in a single file.
In this file format, the certificate file and certificate key file are
stored in a single file.
File with certificate (chain)
Click "File selection" to select the desired certificate file.
Requirements: The certificate type "PEM/CRT/CER" was selected.
Click "File selection" to select the desired certificate key file.
Password for private key
The certificate key files in file format "PEM/CRT/CER" and "PKCS
#12" can be password-protected. This protects the private key. If this
is the case, you must enter the password in this text box.
A single device certificate or a chain of device certificates with issuer certificates can be
installed. The device certificate must meet the following requirements:
The public key must be of type "RSA" and the key length must be 2048 or 4096 bits.
The secure hash algorithm must be of the type "SHA1", "SHA224", "SHA256", "SHA384"
or "SHA512".
Note that the secure hash algorithms "SHA1" or "SHA224" may cause compatibility
problems with your Web browser.
The "Subject" and "Issuer" fields of the device certificate and, if applicable, of the installed
issuer certificates apply: The "Distinguished Name" (DN) must contain a "CN" (Common
Name) component.