5.1 Program
Operating Manual, 05/2019, C79000-G8976-C495-02
"Format text" input box
A string can be a maximum of 100 bytes long and consists of any combination of the
following elements:
Characters whose ASCII equivalent is between "01H" and "FFH"
Formatting instructions for the output of variables, similar to the print function of the C
programming language.
You can enter characters in the following ways:
By entering the ASCII equivalent: \mn where "m = 0, ... 9, a, ... f" and "n = 0, ... 9, a, ... f"
with the following exception: "\00" is not possible.
By typing them in on the keyboard: Here, you can enter all the characters with an ASCII
equivalent between "20H" and "7EH". Exception: If you want to output a percentage
character, you need to enter "%%" here.
Entering selected control characters:
Table 5- 28 Control characters and their meaning
Control character
carriage return
line feed
Representation of printable characters
After entering a printable character in the "Format text" input box, this is displayed explicitly
on the screen.
Example: After entering "\41", "A" is displayed on the screen.
A formatting instruction has the following structure:
% [number of places] variable {selection of variables} <variable interval>
Square brackets
= This is an optional input.
Curly brackets
= Exactly one value must be selected from within the curly brackets.
Angle brackets
= Exactly one value must be selected from within the specified interval.
Remember that you do not enter the brackets. They are simply used for representation.