5.1 Program
Operating Manual, 05/2019, C79000-G8976-C495-02
Error code
Mean light outside of range in step n: Maximum
exposure time reached
The average brightness needed for ISO/IEC 29158 is
outside the valid range (see also error code 4709).
The specified maximum value for the exposure time
was reached during automatic exposure control.
To resolve this error:
Use brighter lighting or enlarge the aperture of the
lens (lower aperture number).
Perform a new calibration.
Mean light outside of range in step n: Cycle time
limit of the automatic exposure control reached
The average brightness needed for ISO/IEC 29158 is
outside the valid range (see also error code 4709).
The automatic exposure control was unsuccessful
because the necessary decodings could not be com-
pleted within the time limit.
To resolve this error:
Reduce the exposure ROI of the program.
Change the resolution to half-image or increase
the time limit of the exposure control.
Also ensure that the code is completely within the
exposure ROI until conclusion of the image acqui-
sition process.
Mean light outside of range in step n
The average brightness needed for ISO/IEC 29158 is
outside the valid range (70% to 86%) in step #n.
Verification failed in step n: Data Matrix ECC200
Verification requires a data matrix code according to
ECC200 specification (only for verification according
to ISO/IEC 15415 or ISO/IEC 29158).
Verification failed in step n: Aperture too small
The cell size of the data matrix code in step #n is too
large for the configured aperture (only for verification
according to ISO/IEC 15415).
Verification failed in step n: Aperture too large
The cell size of the data matrix code in step #n is too
small for the configured aperture (only for verification
according to ISO/IEC 15415).
Verification failed in step n: Not enough space
around the Data Matrix
The quiet zone around the data matrix contained in
the image is too small. For verification, a quiet zone of
at least the size of two cells is required (only for verifi-
cation according to ISO/IEC 15415 or ISO/IEC
Verification failed in step n: RDA could not find
the horizontal timing pattern
The reference decoding according to
ISO/IEC 16022:2006 signals an error when searching
for the horizontal timing pattern (only for verification
according to ISO/IEC 15415 or ISO/IEC 29158).
Verification failed in step n: RDA could not find
the vertical timing pattern
The reference decoding according to
ISO/IEC 16022:2006 signals an error when searching
for the vertical timing pattern (only for verification
according to ISO/IEC 15415 or ISO/IEC 29158).
Verification failed in step n: RDA found an incor-
rect number of rows and columns
The reference decoding according to
ISO/IEC 16022:2006 signals an error when determin-
ing the number of rows or columns (only for verifica-
tion according to ISO/IEC 15415 or ISO/IEC 29158).