5.1 Program
Operating Manual, 05/2019, C79000-G8976-C495-02
"Result" program step
You define the following in this program step:
The format in which the read result is output.
The criteria by which the comparison with a specification was successful.
Program format text
In this group, you specify which results and partial results of the existing program steps are
to be output.
Table 5- 49 "Format text" and "Multicode format text" parameters
Possible values
Format text
see "Format text"
input box
With this input box, you can specify the content and the format
of the string to be output.
"Format text" input box
A string can be a maximum of 100 bytes long and consists of any combination of the
following elements:
Characters whose ASCII equivalent is between "01H" and "FFH"
Formatting instructions for the output of variables, similar to the print function of the C
programming language.
You can enter characters in the following ways:
By entering the ASCII equivalent: \mn where "m = 0, ... 9, a, ... f" and "n = 0, ... 9, a, ... f"
with the following exception: "\00" is not possible.
By typing them in on the keyboard: Here, you can enter all the characters with an ASCII
equivalent between "20H" and "7EH". Exception: If you want to output a percentage
character, you need to enter "%%" here.
Entering selected control characters:
Table 5- 50 Control characters and their meaning
Control character
carriage return
line feed