1.3 Web
Use the web browser to operate the web server. The main window is subdivided
into various display areas.
The following main functions are selected via primary navigation:
1 Primary navigation
Device operation via menu tree
Display plant faults
File transfer
Documents, Message history, Logos and System definitions
User accounts
User administration
Device web pages Create device list and operating pages
Device operation (via Home) queries the devices and their operating pages via
secondary navigation (menu tree).
2 Secondary navigation
Secondary navigation is used to select the file type to be transferred during upload
and download of files and documents (File transfer).
Click "Upward" to go up one level.
The path displays the workflow starting at the main menu to the open operating
page. Simply click at any point on the path to return to that location.
3 Path
Displays the current logged in user.
4 User
Click "Logoff" to log off active users and return to the login page.
The plant state is displayed continuously:
5 Plant state
Green: No fault.
Red: Most severe plant fault.
Click the field to go directly to the display of all plant faults.
Shows the web server name.
6 Plant name
Shows the contents of the selected function.
7 Display
Shows Logo 1 and Logo 2.
8 Logo area
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Siemens Web
Building Technologies