Siemens Industry, Inc.
4) Check labeling on fanning strip on retrofit wiring to be sure it matches labeling on
Cooper terminal strip at bottom of control enclosure.
5) Remove hinges from left side of MJ- and remove magnet and bracket from right
6) Install retrofit hinges on right side of MJ- to match Cooper hinge pins.
7) Install retrofit kit latch onto left side of MJ- to match Cooper cabinet threaded hole.
8) Hang MJ- retrofit hinges onto Cooper hinge pins to mount MJ- into Cooper control
9) Slide fanning strip under screws of terminal block (located on back side of Cooper
enclosure) and tighten all screws. Double check that all conductors of the cable
are installed correctly and secured tightly at both ends.
10) Push closed the disconnect switch, V1 (and V6 if present) to energize MJ- and
check all voltages.
11) Pull open the current shorting switch, C.
Warning! Do not pull open the current shorting switch, C, until both
ends of the interconnecting cable are secure. Failure to do so could
open the regulator CT secondary causing a flashover to the control.
12) Swing the MJ- control panel closed. Tighten the panel locking screw.
13) Install fuses and turn power on.
Configuring the MJ- Control Panel
1) For
“Regulator Type”, select “Inverted”
For “Util Winding Pol”, select “Normal”
3) For Cooper regulators without a differential PT, enter the control winding (E) voltage
in “U2PT” and “P2PT” screens.
4) For Cooper regulators with a differential PT, enter the control winding (E) voltage in
“U2PT” screen, and enter the differential transformer voltage ratio in the “P2PT”
screen. Set the power flow mode to “BI-DIR.”
For Tap Changer type, enter “COOP SD” for spring drive or “COOP DD” for direct
Note: The control
winding (E) voltage, differential transformer voltage, CT ratio, “I
Full Load,” “I Load Max,” and other parameters may be read from the regulator
Cooper Regulator Connection Notes:
The control cable signals comprise the “Cooper Retrofit Cable” which connects
between the Cooper regulator (back panel) and the MJ- control panel.
The MJ- contains all the necessary interface circuits for connecting directly to the
Cooper regulator back panel
no external circuit board is needed.