Building Technologies
Basic Documentation LMO39…
7 Functions
7 Functions
7.1 Preconditions for burner startup
Burner control must be reset
All contacts in the line are closed, request for heat
Fuel valve 1 is connected
Fan motor is connected
Flame detector is darkened and there is no extraneous light
Lockout reset button not used
7.2 Undervoltage
Safety shutdown from the operating position takes place should mains voltage drop
below about AC 75 V (at UN = AC 120 V)
Restart is initiated when mains voltage exceeds about AC 95 V (at UN = AC 120 V)
Safety shutdown from the operating position takes place should mains voltage drop
below about AC 165 V (at UN = AC 230 V)
Restart is initiated when mains voltage exceeds about AC 175 V
(at UN = AC 230 V)
7.3 Controlled intermittent operation
After no more than 24 hours of continuous operation, the burner control initiates automatic
controlled shutdown followed by a restart.
7.4 Time supervision oil preheater
If the oil preheater
s release contact does not close within 10 minutes, a non-alterable
lockout takes place.
7.5 Ignition program
If the flame is lost during the safety time (TSA), the burner will be reignited before the
end of the safety time (TSA).
This means, depending on parameter 267 and 295, the several ignition attempts can be
made during safety time (see Control sequence).