In the Annex you will find a menu overview of the HiNet LP5100,
display messages and their handling, as well as technical data. In
addition, you will find tables for standard assignment of function
Menu overview
Below you will find a graphical representation of the HiNet
LP5100’s menu structure for your information. The fields highligh-
ted in gray represent the transition points to the relevant menus in
each case.
In the tables below the graphics you will find explanations regar-
ding the menu items on white background and the next possible
step for each of them.
Basic menu
In idle mode where there are no entries in the missed calls and for-
ward lists, only the date and time are given in the first line and the
single arrow in the second line as a pointer to menu options.
If there are entries in the missed calls and forward lists, the corre-
sponding point in the menu is offered as the first option.
Menu selection
Next step
Missed calls
(x new)?
Prepare missed calls list
Missed calls menu
Switch forwarding on or off
Forward menu
Switch on programming facility
Service menu
*only offered if there is an entry in the list