7SG11 Argus 8 Relay Settings
©2010 Siemens Protection Devices Limited
Chapter 3 Page 8 of 10
Gn Status ..n
sets the output relay(s) operated by Status Input n
RL1..RLn None
Gn Trip counter Alarm
sets the output relay(s) operated by the Trip
Counter Alarm function
RL1..RLn None
Gn PowerOn Count
sets the output relay(s) operated by the Power On
Count Alarm function
RL1..RLn None
Gn Hand Reset
sets the output relay(s) which are to stay latched
after operation. These can be reset via the fascia, a
status input, or a communications command
RL1..RLn None
Min O/P Energise Time
sets the minimum output pulse length of energised
output relays
100 – 500ms step 50ms
9 Status Config Menu
Settings Group Select
sets the status input(s) required to select a settings
group to become the active settings group. Note
that the lower the number of status input, the higher
precedence that it has e.g. Status 1 will take
precedence over all the rest
(each status can be set from 1-8 to
select active group 1-8)
Inverted Inputs
sets the status input(s) required to be inverted.
function assigned to an inverted input becomes
active when the input is de-energised
S1..Sn None
Gn VE1 Inhibit
sets the status input(s) which will inhibit Voltage
Element 1
S1..Sn None
Gn VE2 Inhibit
S1..Sn None
Gn VE3 Inhibit
S1..Sn None
Gn VE4 Inhibit
S1..Sn None
Gn 3VoE1 Inhibit
S1..Sn None
Gn 3VoE2 Inhibit
S1..Sn None
Gn V2E1 Inhibit
S1..Sn None
Gn V2E2 Inhibit
S1..Sn None
Gn FE1 Inhibit
S1..Sn None
Gn FE2 Inhibit
S1..Sn None
Gn FE3 Inhibit
S1..Sn None
Gn FE4 Inhibit
S1..Sn None
Gn Trip Circuit Fail
sets the status input(s) which will be used within the
Trip Circuit Monitoring scheme
S1..Sn None
sets the status input(s) which, on energisation, will
cause the Alarm 1 message to be displayed on the
S1..Sn None
Gn ALARM ..n
S1..Sn None
Gn Waveform Trigger
sets the status input(s) which, on energisation, will
cause a waveform record to be stored
S1..Sn None