The external restart interlock prevents the machine from restarting. After resetting the
safety laser scanner, the operator must activate the control switch to restart the
machine controller.
The controller must be implemented such that the machine only restarts if the safety
laser scanner is first reset and then the control switch for restarting the machine con‐
troller is activated.
Further topics
"Measures to prevent unsecured areas", page 36
"EFI status information and control commands", page 150
Universal I/O connections
Important information
Dangerous state of the machine
Persons or parts of the body to be protected may not be recognized or not recognized in
time in case of non-observance.
The universal I/O connections supply non-safe signals. The signals are not suitable for
controlling an application or for safety-relevant functions.
Do not use universal I/O connections for safety-related functions.
The S3000 has three universal I/O connections. You can configure these three connec‐
tions for one or more of the following functions (linked by the operator OR):
Contamination warning
Contamination error
Reset required
Protective field 2 (if the
Dual protective fields
field mode and the
Simultaneous field
function have been selected)
Simultaneous protective field
Simultaneous protective field 2 (if the
Dual protective fields
field mode and the
taneous field evaluation
function have been selected)
Simultaneous warning field or 2nd warning field (depending on the configured
field mode)
Protective field of a connected guest
Protective field 2 of a connected guest (if the
Dual protective fields
field mode and
Simultaneous field evaluation
function have been selected)
Simultaneous protective field of a connected guest
Warning field of a connected guest
Simultaneous warning field or 2nd warning field of a connected guest (depending
on the configured field mode)
You can configure the universal I/O connections in the
area in the CDS.
8009942/ZA18/2019-11-14 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | S3000
Subject to change without notice