Automated guided vehicle
American Wire Gage: standardization and classification of wires
and cables according to type, diameter, etc.
Contour Measurement & Safety: extended measurement data out‐
put and detection of reflectors as artificial landmarks
Control input
A control input receives signals, e.g. from the machine or from the
control. Use of control inputs is how the protective device receives
information about the conditions at the machine, e.g., if there is a
change of operating mode. If the protective device is configured
appropriately, it will activate a different monitoring case after
receiving a new control input.
The control input information must be transmitted reliably. Gener‐
ally, at least 2 separate channels are used to do this.
Depending on the device, a control input can be realized as a sta‐
tic control input or a dynamic control input.
Dangerous state
A dangerous state is a status of the machine or facility, where peo‐
ple may be injured. Protective devices prevent this risk if the
machine is operated within its intended use.
The figures in this document always show the dangerous state of
the machine as movement of a machine part. In practice, there
are different dangerous states, such as:
Machine movements
Electrical parts
Visible and invisible beam
A combination of multiple hazards
Dynamic control input
A dynamic control input is a single-channel control input that eval‐
uates a number of pulses per time. An incremental encoder can
be connected to a dynamic control input. The incremental encoder
reports the speed of an automated guided vehicle, for example. In
conjunction with a second control input, a dynamic control input is
used to switch between different monitoring cases depending on
the speed.
External device monitoring
Electro-sensitive protective
An electro-sensitive protective device is a device or system of
devices for safety-related detection of people or parts of the body.
It is used to protect people from machines and facilities that pose
a risk of injury. It triggers the machine or facility to adopt a safe
state before a person is exposed to a hazardous situation.
Examples include safety light curtains and safety laser scanners.
Electrostatic discharge
Electro-sensitive protective device
External device monitoring
The external device monitoring (EDM) monitors the status of down‐
stream contactors.
In order to use external device monitoring, positively guided con‐
tactors must be used to switch off the machine. If the auxiliary
contacts of the positively guided contactors are connected to the
external device monitoring, the external device monitoring checks
whether the contactors switch correctly when the OSSDs are
switched off.
8009942/ZA18/2019-11-14 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | S3000
Subject to change without notice