RN200 user manual 15
This page is automatically displayed in case of a new anomaly. For each anomaly, the
following is shown:
The date/time on which the anomaly was activated.
A letter identifying its type:
“A”: alarm.
“W”: warning.
A three-digit numeric code that uniquely identifies the anomaly. This code flashes if
the anomaly has not yet been recognized with the
An alphanumeric description, which depends on the language currently selected and
which in some cases can be customized using the parameters of the controller.
Each anomaly uses at least two lines of the display. The anomaly shown above is the most
recent in chronological order. If there is not enough space to view all the anomalies, only the
most recent ones are shown. To see the others, you need:
ACK/ENTER button.
Use ▲▼ buttons to scroll among the anomalies.
When finished, press the button
This page is dedicated to controller’s information and contains:
The current date and time in extended format (flashing if the clock is not valid, in
REVERSE if summer time is active).
The unique serial number of the controller (ID).
The codes of the currently loaded software on the controller. If the main software code is
displayed in REVERSE it means that a new version has been downloaded and the
controllers is waiting to install it: to install it, you must disconnect the power to the
controller, wait a few seconds, power it up again and follow the instructions on the display.
The internal code required to obtain a temporary SICES level password (see
Error! R
eference source not found.
The internal temperature of the controller.
The power supply voltage.
The language currently used by the device. It is also possible to select a different
language: press the
button, select a language with the ▲ and ▼ buttons
and confirm with the
ACK/ENTER button
. Note: RN200 is provided as standard only with
the languages ENGLISH, ITALIAN. With the BoardPrg3 program it is possible to transfer
other languages to the controller.
This page displays the communication status on the two serial ports and on the USB interface.
In the event of communication problems, check the information on this page.
The status (idle, communication in progress, etc.) and the reception error counter are
displayed for each communication interface. To reset an error counter, you need to: