User’s Manual
Parameters for the mains management:
P01: intervention threshold for minimum mains voltage (V)
P02: Hysteresis (%)
P04: generator set intervention delay for mains voltage failure (s)
P05: Mains restoration delay (closing mains contactor from mains present) (s)
P15: intervention threshold for maximum mains voltage (V)
Three thresholds are defined in the mains voltage management:
“Alive” mains threshold: P01 + (((P01 * P02) /100) / 2)
“Dead” mains threshold: P01 – (((P01 * P02) / 100) / 2)
“OVERVOLTAGE” threshold: P15
Mains is considered “alive” if the voltage on all the existing phases is over of the “alive” mains
threshold. It is considered “dead” if the voltage on at least one phase is under the “dead” mains
threshold. If no phase is under the “dead” mains threshold but at least one of them is under
the “alive” mains threshold, the mains keeps the dead/alive status it previously had
(hysteresis). If the voltage on at least one phase is over the “OVERVOLTAGE” threshold, the
mains is considered “alive out of window”. Of course the parameter P15 must be over the
“alive” mains threshold.
In addition, ther
e is the digital input “MAINS SIMULATION” (terminal 24). When such input is
enabled, the board wait for time T2 is elapsed before mains is considered “present”.
Furthermore, if the board is set to work with an external mains sensor (using only the “MAINS
IMULATION” input and ignoring the mains voltages), when the input “MAINS SIMULATION”
is not enabled the mains is immediately considered “absent”. Depending on the SW versions,
the delay times related to this input are different.
Starting from SW version 08.00.22 the parameters P66 and P67 are used to set the
Generator set intervention and shutdown on “MAIN SIMULATION” deactivation and
Starting from SW version 08.00.09 to SW revision 08.00.21 the same parameters used for
the delay of the mains control are used (P.04 and P05).
Before 08.00.09 version there were no delay time related to this function.
4 status are defined in the mains management:
“dead” or “alive out of window” from a period of time over or
equal to T1 (“MAINS LIVE” indicator turned off)
“alive in window” from a period of time under T2 (“MAINS
LIVE” indicator flashing)
“alive in window” from a period of time over or equal to T2
(“MAINS LIVE” indicator turned on)
“dead” or “alive out of window” from a period of time under T1
(“MAINS LIVE” indicator flashing)