User’s Manual 37
You can set the board to control a fuel pump for the automatic filling of the tank. The function
can be used only if the fuel level analogue sensor exists. You have to set the two operating
P29: fuel level threshold under which the pump is started.
P30: fuel level threshold over which the pump is stopped.
The function is enabled if the parameters P29, P30 and P48 are all different from 0 and P29
is lower than P30
With the board in AUTOMATIC mode you can force the generator set start using the “REMOTE
TEST” digital input (terminal 46). Until the input stays enabled, the generator set is on (except
for deactivations and/or blocks). If in this phase it occurs a mains failure, the users are switched
on the generator.
The following remote signals can be sent:
“ENGINE RUNNING” (terminal 25): this output is enabled when the engine is running.
“GENERAL ALARM” (terminal 26): this output is enabled if at least one alarm is present.
“TRIP ALARM” (terminal 27): this output is enabled if at least a deactivation or a block is
“FUEL ALARM” (terminal 28): this output is enabled if at least one fuel failure is present:
Minimum fuel level alarm
Maximum fuel level alarm
Fuel end block
“ENGINE ALARM” (terminal 29): this output is enabled if at least one fault in the engine is
High water temperature alarm
Low oil pressure alarm
Low battery voltage alarm
Shutdown failure alarm
Aux. Alarm (“F10”) – starting from SW 08.00.12
High water temperature block
Low oil pressure block
Start failure block
Non-masked auxiliary block (ALARM1)
Masked auxiliary block (ALARM2)
Emergency stop
Belt break