User’s Manual
The board is able to execute the true r.m.s measurements on the generator’ voltages and
currents as well as the active, reactive, apparent power and power factor measurements of
the system when it is powered by the generator. In addition, it manages an energy meter for
the power supplied by the generator set.
If the option is present, the generator voltages’ and currents’ true r.m.s. are displayed in the
place of the corresponding values measured in the standard version, that is on the displays
“V” and “A”.
To view the powers press at the same time “MODE / ACK” and “F2” (this combination is
highlighted on the front panel of the board with the indication “MODE + F2”: POWER
DISPLAY”). In this conditions the “ L1/L2”, “L2/L3” “L3/L1” are all of them turned on and the
display “V” shows the power factor, while the display “A” shows the active power. Further, if
through the buttons “F1” and “F2” you choose the “MAINS VOLTAGE (Vac) /
POWER (kvar)
” function, the display “MULTIFUNCTION” shows the reactive power, if you
choose the “BATTERY VOLTAGE (V) / APPARENT POWER (kVA)” function, it shows the
apparent power.
By pressing again the buttons “F2” and “MODE / ACK” at the same time, you’ll go back to the
indications of the generator and mains voltages and of the generator current.
The value indicated by the display “V” is the system’s total power factor. It cannot be viewed
for each single phase. It is displayed with two decimals.
The eventual negative sign associated to this quantity indicates the energy inversion status.
This status also refers to the whole system: if one of the phases was in energy inversion,
probably it wouldn’t be indicated since globally the system would still supply (NB: actually, it
never occurs: if there’s an energy inversion, it is present on all the phases).
Further, through the power factor some information on the type of load, inductive or capacitive
is given to the operator. This information is provided using the decimal point of the least
significant digit of the power factor: when is turned on the load is a capacitive one.
In the place of the power factor are displayed three dashes when its value makes no sense,
that is in the absence of any current (dead engine or frequency not in window). Furthermore,
if the total active power is too low (under 10% of the system’s maximum power), the power
factor is forced to one, since its measurement for low current value gets too imprecise.
active power (the system’s total one) is displayed in kW on the display “A” (message
“ACTIVE POWER (kW) over the display. If less than 100 kW is displayed with a decimal, if
over 1000 kW is displayed in tens of kW, with the indicator “X10” turned on. It is always
displayed in module: its sign (that would provide the true information of energy inversion) is
associated to the power factor for display problems: if it was displayed associated to the active
power one resolution digit would be lost, while by displaying it associated to the power factor
it replaces the initial zero (actually the power factor is never 1.00 but always 0.xx). This
introduces only a small rounding of the power factor: if it was 1.00 in energy inversion, instead
–1.00 it was displayed as – .99.
The reactive power (the system’s total one) is displayed in kvar on the display
” function is
selected. If under 100 kvar it is displayed with a decimal, if over 1000 kvar it is displayed in
tens of kvar, by turning on the decimal point of the less significant digit to indicate that the
value has to be multiplied by 10. It is displayed with its sign, replacing the most significant digit.