W e b s i t e : w w w . s i c e t e l e c o m. i t
ISCRIZ. TRIBUNALE LUCCA N. 8661 - C.C.I.A.A. N. 103668
P. IVA 00871160461 - Tel. 0583 980787 - Fax 0583 981495
E - M a i l : i n f o @ s i c e t e l e c o m. i t
Safety Rules and Precautions
First Aid for Electric Shocks
Do not touch the patient with bare hands until the circuit has been opened. Open the circuit by
switching the line switches off. If that is not possible, protect yourself with dry material and free the
patient from the conductor.
Artificial Respiration
It is important to start mouth to mouth resuscitation at once and seek doctor help immediately. The
mouth to mouth method to apply is described here below.
Mouth to mouth resuscitation method
1. Lay the patient supine with his arms parallel with the body. If the patient is laying on an inclined
plane, make sure that his stomach is slightly lower than his chest.
Open the patient’s mouth and check that there are no extraneous bodies in his mouth
(dentures, chewing-gum, etc.).
2. Kneel beside the patient level with his head. Put a hand under the patient’s head and one
under his neck (Fig. 6.2-1)
Lift the patient’s head and let it recline backwards as far as possible.
Figure 6-21: Artificial respiration procedure (1/4)
3. Shift the hand from the patient’s neck to his chin: place your thumb between his chin and his
mouth, the index along his jawbone, and keep the other fingers closed together (Fig. 6.2-2).
While performing these operations take a good supply of oxygen by taking deep breaths with
your mouth open.
Figure 6-22: Artificial respiration procedure (2/4)
4. With your thumb between patient’s chin and mouth keep his lips together and blow into his
nasal cavities (Fig. 6.2-3).
Figure 6-23: Artificial respiration procedure (3/4)
5. While performing these operations, observe if the patient’s chest rises (Fig. 6.2-4). If not, it is
possible that his nose is blocked: in that case, open the patient’s mouth as much as possible
by pressing on his chin with your hand, place your lips around his mouth and blow into his oral