Doze Mode
system speed will change from turbo to slow if no Power Management
events occur for a specified length of time. Full power function will
return when a Power Management event is detected.
The choice: 1Min, 2Min, 4Min, 6Min, 8Min, 10Min, 20Min, 30Min,
40Min, 1Hour.
Suspend Mode
CPU clock will be stopped and the video signal will be suspended if no
Power Management events occur for a specified length of time. Full
power function will return when a Power Management event is de-
tected. Options are from 1 Min to 1 Hour and Disable.
The choice: 1Min, 2Min, 4Min, 6Min, 8Min, 10Min, 20Min, 30Min,
40Min, 1Hour, Disable.
Press "Esc" key to go back to the previous sub-menu.
PM Control by APM
This field allows you to control the PC Monitor’s power management
features via Intel-Microsoft Advanced Power Management software.
Once you have enabled the APM interface, some settings made in the
BIOS Setup program may be overridden by APM.
The choice: Yes, No.
Video Off Option
This option defines if the video is powered down when the system is
put into suspend mode.
The choice: Always On, Suspend -> Off, All Modes -> Off.
Video Off Method
This determines the manner in which the monitor is blank.
V/H SYNC + Blank
This selection will cause system to turn off vertical and horizontal
synchronization ports and write blanks to video buffer.
Blank Screen
This option only writes blanks to video buffer
Initial power management signal of display.