Typematic Delay (Msec)
If the item Typematic Rate Setting is enabled, you can use this item to
define how many milliseconds must elapse before a held-down key
begins generating repeat characters.
The choice: 250, 500, 750, 1000.
Security Option
If you have installed password protection, this item defines if the pass-
word is required at system start up, or if it is only required when a user
tries to enter the Setup Utility.
The system will not boot and access to Setup will be
denied if the correct password is not entered promptly.
The system will boot, but access to Setup will be
denied if the correct password is not entered promptly.
The choice: Setup, System.
OS Select For DRAM > 64MB
This item is only required if you have installed more than 64 MB of
memory and you are running the OS/2 operating system. Otherwise,
leave this item at the default Non-OS2.
The choice: Non-OS2, OS2.
Video BIOS Shadow
Determines whether video BIOS will be copied to RAM. However, it is
optional depending on chipset design. Video Shadow will increase the
video speed.
The choice: Enabled, Disabled.
XX000-XXFFF Shadow
These categories determine whether option ROMs will be Chipset
Features Setup Auto Configuration copied to RAM. An example of such
option ROM would be support of on-board SCSI.
The choice: Enabled, Disabled.