Check if there are loose electrical connections.
Check and maintain compressed-air filter and regulator.
Check solenoid valve.
Check motor overload relay and anti-phase function.
Check whether air pipe is shed, leaked and loose.
6.7.5 Monthly Checking
Check if transmission belt is loose or not.
Check the status of gear motor performance.
Check if there is leakage in the rotor.
6.7.6 Half-yearly Checking
Check if there are damages of conveying pipe.
Check the pipe heater.
Check regenerating/conveying blower and fans of the motor.
Check whether honey-comb rotor belt is damaged.
Clean the cooler.
6.7.7 Yearly Checking
whether the contactor is normal
6.7.8 3 year Checking
PC board renewal.
No fuse breaker renewal.
Note: 1. Manufacturer laboratory data for AC contactor is two million times in life. we suggest
service life for one million four hundred thousand times, if work eight hours per day,
recommended replacing frequency is 1.5 years, if work day and night, replacement is
suggested to be done every six months.