DI 2 ~DI7 are same as DI1
Initial Value:
Setting range: chosen from DI operation character table
Mode 8 lead screen
are allotted to each DI, priority is given to younger No,.
can be performed at the time of a RUN-automatic output.
is allotted to, release in the middle of AT operation is carried out by off-key operation chosen in AT
*While AT is performed, if STBY (RST) or a manual output is performed, AT is released.
*Even when a keylock is not OFF, conducting of DI is effective.
*The same operation other than
is impossible to allot to DI1-DI7 at a time.
*Operation allotted to DI takes priority over DI.. Key operation cannot be performed.
*Execution of DI operation is possible to perform. But neither release of AT nor numerical change of SV and
manual output is possible to perform.*In DI input, 5VDC 0.5mA per point is impressed. Use endurable switch,
transistor and so on.
*Wiring distance of DI should be less than 30m.
*DI Input have to be needed at least 50msec signal to detect DI input .
*DI is non voltage contact or open collector. Rating: 5V DC 0.5mA/input