Execution SV No = 1
Execution S V N o = 2
Execution SV-No = 3
Ramp time
No3-SV Value
No2-SV value
Ramp time
No1-SV Value
PV start operating example
Status will be changed by Power supply ON, or from DI signal during RUN status.
Ramp time
Start PV value
Start SV
Ramp operation Special case matter ①~⑤
①AT will be waiting when AT starting during Ramp is execute, and AT will be start after Ramp will be finish.
AT waiting Executing AT
Ramp time
Execution SV
Start SV
②It cannot be accepted DI signal and SV value changing during AT is executing, therefore Ramp function cannot be
operated Ramp function can be repeated
(When the temperature difference is different, the slope is also different inevitably.)
SV-start Execution SV value
PV-start Execution SV value