Ramp time unit setting screen
Initial Value:mm : ss
Setting range : h.hhh , hh : mm, mm : ss
Ramp time setting screen
Initial value : 0
Setting range : 0.001~30.000 or 000,01~300,00
Explanation of Ramp & Soak function
SHIMAX Ramp & Soak function is the function can be
1) SV change (key and DI) and the Rump start Trigger condition for STBY - RUN can be chosen.
2) PV start Mode can be chosen.
3) It's possible to set Rump time and Soak time separately.
4) Automatic distinction in the slope direction (Up/Down)
5) It's possible to allot Ramp Status (Ramp ON/OFF_Delay signal) to Event/DO.
6) It's possible to allot Soak Status (Ramp ON/OFF_Delay signal) to Event/DO.
1. Ramp start trigger
Ramp mode setting can choose effectively/invalidly from below:
Trigger A Status will be changed by Power supply ON, or from DI signal during RUN status.
: Invalid
: It will calculate Start SV Value will be Start SV, Setting SV will end SV value.
: It will calculate PV will be Start SV value, Setting SV will be end SV value
Triger A
Example of Trigger A
Execution SV
Ramp time
Start S V