4. Parameter description
The wiring diagram:
The following is the representative wriing diagram of switching the commercial power-supply
operation. P.80 = 37, P.81 = 38, P.40 = 10,
P.130 = 9
Please pay attention to the capacity of the output terminals.The terminals which used are according
to different settings for P.40, P.85, P.129 and P.130 (output terminal function selection).When the
output terminal function select 10, connect the relay which drive the commercial power-supply
operation.When the output terminal function select 9, connect the relay which drive the inverter
operation.When the external input terminal function select 37, selected the switching inverter to
commercial power-supply operation.When the external input terminal function select 38, hand
switching signal CS.
MC1 and MC2 must be mechanical interlock, the running direction of the inverter
operation and the commercial power-supply operation should be consistent.
Bypass-inverter switchover function is effective in external mode.
So long as the signal
is on, STF or STR is available.
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