6.1 Front Panel
A - Display
The display shows the parameter names and values, numbers of sets of settings stored in memory, and error codes.
Voltage (arc length) base current. Only methods for
D-PULSE MIG. Range: -50 - 50%.
Roasting wire - how long the wire feed continues after extinguishing the arc.
Range: -50 - 50% of the factory settings.
welding current
The width of the pulse - the pulse duration, allows you to adjust the depth of penetration. The increase in width increase
the depth of penetration, reduction reduces the amount of heat entering the material, reducing the risk of burnout of
thinner plates and smaller components.
Lower values of the pulse width must be used for higher currents. The greater the pulse width must be applied to
small currents, a width of more than 50% should be used for currents lower than 100A. Only for the method of
D-Pulse MIG, TIG PULSE and PULSE MMA. Range: PULSE TIG, pulse MMA 5 - 95%; D-Pulse MIG 20 - 80%.
End current (crater filling)
Exclusively for MIG / MAG and S4T S2T modes.
The adjustment range depends on the type of material and the diameter of the welding wire.
Duration of the final current (crater filling). Exclusively for MIG mode S2T
range: 0 - 50 sec