LH79524/LH79525 User’s Guide
Version 1.0
Can be enabled or disabled. See Non-maskable.
Media Access Control, a layer of the IEEE 802.3 specification that controls access to the
communication channel, and provides framing and error detection. See also CSMA/CD.
MAU (Medium Attachment Unit)
Medium Attachment Unit. The component of an Ethernet interface which provides the
actual connection to the Ethernet cable.
Merging Write Buffer
A merging write buffer compacts writes of all widths (byte, half-word, and word) into quad-
word bursts which can be efficiently transferred to SDRAM.
Management Information Base. A database on the network that tracks, records, and cor-
rects performance for each device on the network. See also RMON.
MII (Media Independent Interface)
Media Independent Interface. Standard developed for Fast Ethernet in IEEE 802.3u
specification. The Fast Ethernet equivalent to the AUI in 10 Mbits/s Ethernet, allowing
different types of Fast Ethernet media to be connected to a Fast Ethernet device via a
common interface.
MultiMediaCard. The complete specification is available at the MultiMediaCard Associa-
tion website: http://www.mmca.org/
Most significant byte (MSB) or most significant bit (MSb) of an ordered sequence.
Most significant word of an ordered sequence.
In the LH79524/LH79525, a 4-bit data element. Nibbles in this User’s Guide are shown
with the most significant bit on the left (or top) and the least significant bit on the right (or
bottom). Also see Byte, Half Word, and Word.
Cannot be disabled. See Maskable.
Non-Volatile Memory
A memory technology that retains its contents when power is removed. Examples are
ROM and Flash. Also see Volatile Memory.