According to display weight of indicator, analogue signal will be output.
The operator can determine 10V output spot by setting F51 function.
Under Calibration mode or “CELL-ERR” condition, Analogue output will not activated.
If the output is deactivated, the last output signal value will be hold until next activation
6-4. Analog V-Output Interface (0~10V)
This output card converts weight value to Analog output signal (0~10V) and transfers to
external devices (Recorder, P.L.C), controlled by voltage output.
6-4-1. Specification
6-4-2. Output Adjustment
① Default analog output value is 0V(weight zero) , 10V(Full using capa).
② The analogue output value is adjusted with DIGITAL MULTI-METER.
③ How to adjust analog output value.
Step1) Connect Digital multi meter to the Indicator (A out terminal).
Step2) Enter “F81 Minimum Analog Output Setting” mode.
Step3) Adjust the displaying value of indicator with keys(by 9,999) to make Digital multi meter’s
value as minimum(ex:0V) and save.(When the SI580E indicates about 30,150 , the Digital
multi meter indicates about 10V)
Step4) Enter “F82 Maximum Analog Output Setting” mode
Step5) after connect digital multi meter to the indicator, then adjust the displaying value of
indicator with keys (by 32,768) to make Digital multi meter’s value as maximum (ex:10V).
※ This D/A Converter has Max. 1/5,000 accuracy, so this output is not suitable for high
accuracy application, more than 1/5,000.
Output Voltage
0~10V DC output
More than 1/1,000
Check the setting to use the analog
output switch in the upper main
(Default : 4~20mA)
Upper main board
Select Switch