Chapter 8:
v3.3-a 12/07/2022
Warning: The version to be flashed is older than the current one, therefore
the default password and user are going to be set. The device will be
automatically rebooted...
This will reset the device in its factory version and all your
modifications will be lost
Do you want to continue? [y/N] ?
8.3 Recovery Mode
If an error has occurred (e.g., power down, wrong firmware) during a firmware update procedure
the device might not be able to boot from the SD card and will enter itself into a recovery mode.
This recovery mode consists of a minimal Linux stored into internal memory of the equipment
that allows to:
Reflash the device with another firmware.
Recover configuration (if possible).
Clean/format SD remotely.
Once the device has been booted in recovery mode, it should apply the network configuration
previously saved in the .config file. However, it might occasionally be impossible to recover the
network configuration. In those cases, the device will be accessible using the default network
parameters (§0) or through front USB-UART serial connection.
The following actions (Figure ) might be considered to try to repair the device. It is recommended
to try them in the given order: