SETTOPSURVEY, S.L. Bofarull 14, 08027 Barcelona (Spain) Phone: (+34) 93 340 05 73 Fax: (+34) 93 351 95 18 www.settopsurvey.com
Maritime Jobs Mode
To use a Settop M1 for marine works you will need the following accessories:
External Antenna
Antenna Cable
UPS / External Battery
Cable PPS output
To set the receiver Settop M1 for maritime works you must ensure continuous supply, either through an
integrated battery Settop M1, an external battery NiMH or a power supply.
The GPS antenna needs to be connected to the vertical transducer and fastened securely to the boat.
The echo sounder will be connected through the COM1 or COM2 ports with the special cable with PPS
output. The computer is connected via the COM that is free.
Through M1 webservice, go to
Configuration GPS a
nd configure the following
strings NMEA: GGA, ZDA,
(these strings are used depending on the software used) at