SETTOPSURVEY, S.L. Bofarull 14, 08027 Barcelona (Spain) Phone: (+34) 93 340 05 73 Fax: (+34) 93 351 95 18 www.settopsurvey.com
Configuring the receiver using web interface
The software of the Settop M1 has been designed as a web application. This means that no type of software
installation is necessary on the computer and you only have to connect to its interface web via a local
network or via Internet and you can interact with the application. The user interface is really easy to use and
supplies the user with all the information he needs about his instrument by simply turning on the application.
The web is divided into three basic parts: information about the system (System status), configuration of the
system (System configuration) and interactive site.
System status
In the upper part, we can control the state of the configuration of our Base/Mobile GPS as well as its
autonomous/floating/ fixed/post-process state. To configure our instrument we only have to select the device
that we want to modify and all possible configurations will appear in the centre frame of the screen.
System configuration
Moving the icons on the left, we can control at all times the configuration of our equipment as well as the
events that are happening on the job.
Interactive site
In the central part, is all the space to interact and configure your receiver using the option that allows the
device to operate. The
button validates the settings done at the time.