SETTOPSURVEY, S.L. Bofarull 14, 08027 Barcelona (Spain) Phone: (+34) 93 340 05 73 Fax: (+34) 93 351 95 18 www.settopsurvey.com
Receiver Installation
Weather conditions
The equipment is conforms to environment rating (IP67), which makes it dust-proof and protects it against
contact with solids and liquids and makes it able to withstand pressure and water leakage when the unit is
submerged to a maximum of 1m.
However, you must take reasonable care to keep the unit dry.
To improve the performance and long-term reliability of the receiver avoid exposing the receiver to extreme
environmental conditions, such as:
Heat: above 75 ° C
Cold: less than -40 ° C
Liquids and corrosive gases
External Antenna location
Before mounting the antenna on the reference station, you should carefully plan where to locate the antenna
and think how you will be able get precise coordinates.
You should choose a place which is as free as possible from interference, where the antenna has a clear
view of the sky and where there are no obstructions above the elevation of 10°.
If there are obstacles above 10°, or large metal objects nearby, the rover can collect data from satellites that
the reference station cannot pick up. These data cannot be used in DGPS RTK rover or solutions.