SETTOPSURVEY, S.L. Bofarull 14, 08027 Barcelona (Spain) Phone: (+34) 93 340 05 73 Fax: (+34) 93 351 95 18 www.settopsurvey.com
Batteries and Power
Powering to Settop M1
The receiver uses an external power source. If the receiver is not connected to an external power source or
if the external power supply fails, the receiver will shut down automatically without storing the data and
controlling external devices. The data that has been stored will not be lost. When the external power source
is restored, the computer will boot automatically with the last settings loaded. Autopower option must be
enabled (ON) in the System Settings section.
The battery supplied with the receiver Settop M1 is a rechargeable 12V NiMH Settop 9Ah which allows
continuous operation for up to 8 hours and with a special integrated battery the Settop M1 receivers capacity
increases to 14Ah that allows the unit to work continuously for more than 13 hours. Also, to ensure continuity
of operation it can be connected to the mains transformer with 12V - 32V.
You must press the button (red circle) for attaching and detach the battery and M1.