Handling and Storing Sheets
Sheets are affected by their handling and ambient conditions (especially temperature and
humidity) and their characteristics may change, resulting in a reading error.
Handle and store sheets with extreme care.
Handling sheets
(1) Do not fold or blemish sheets, as a reading error may occur.
(2) Keep sheets free from foreign materials such as oil and dust.
(3) Do not use dirty sheets or those with torn edges since they will affect reading or cause a
sheet jam.
(4) If the temperature or humidity suddenly changes, keep sheets in the new conditions for
about an hour, allowing them to adjust to the new conditions.
(5) Do not expose sheets to direct sunlight for a long period of time.
Storage of sheets
(1) Avoid storing sheets in a place where ambient conditions can suddenly change.
(2) Store sheets in a cabinet, etc. to protect them from humidity.
(3) Avoid storing sheets near windows or other locations where they may become dusty.
(4) Store sheets on a flat surface so that they do not bend.