© Sealevel Systems, Inc.
SeaI/O | SL9049 11/2021
D/A Settings
The (E1) and (E2) jumpers (shown in the orange boxes on the previous page) configure the D/A outputs for 0-
5V or 0-10V. Both channels can be configured independently. The D/A outputs do not support negative voltages.
You must also set the correct output voltage in your application or MaxSSD. Refer to the SeaMAX Application
Suite section of this manual for help configuring software to work with the SeaI/O-470.
A/D 10X Gain
The A/D 10X gain (E3) jumper (shown in the green box on the previous page) is disabled at the factory. Position
the hardware jumper on both pins to enable this functionality, which allows smaller voltages to be measured
more accurately (e.g., a 0-1V input signal can be measured more accurately by enabling the 10x hardware gain
jumper and setting the SeaI/O-470 A/D input channel for 0-10V range). You can also set the A/D input channel
for 0-5V to sense voltages smaller than 0.5V.
When the jumper is enabled, the “10X Hardware Gain” checkbox will also be enabled on the A/D Inputs tab in
MaxSSD. Refer to the SeaMAX Application Suite section of this manual for information on using MaxSSD.
A/D and Current Loop Dipswitches
The (SW3) and (SW4) dipswitches (shown in the yellow box on the previous page) configure the A/D inputs for
current loop mode and are disabled at the factory. Since current loop mode is differential, the corresponding
h on both (SW3) and (SW4) should be properly set (e.g., ‘CH1’ on both dipswitches needs to be set to
‘ON’ to enable current loop mode).
enables the current-loop sensing resistor
ties the other half of connection to ground