Application Guide - Adding & Assigning ‘Elements’ cont’d
4. With the address entered, select
‘Type of receiver’
From the drop down menu, select the installed receiver type, e.g. RFDEL-71B.
5. The next menu section is the icon preferred to help identify the appliance when
being controlled.
From the drop down menu (Android) or glide the icons left or right with selected icon
in blue (iOS) select the preferred icon.
6. Finally select the room for where the appliance is located. The list of rooms
previously entered will appear.
With all six fields completed the data can then be saved. The data will be saved on to
the smart box and not the smart device.
On saving, the screen will
go back to the
Fig. E1).
Add further elements or
select ‘NEXT’ to advance
to adding Scenes.