command is used to set the Handler bin output pulse width of the
The :PWIDth? query returns to the current Handler bin output pulse width.
Command syntax: COMParator: PWIDth <value>
<value> is any integer value among the range (1-25ms) of Handler bin output pulse width.
For example: WrtCmd (“FUNCtion:PWID 10”); set the Handler bin output pulse width as
Query syntax: FUNCtion: PWIDth?
Return format:<value><NL^END>
The command query returns to the current Handler bin output pulse width.
7.1.7 SYSTem Subsystem Commands
Command tree:
The :SYSTem:BEEP OFF (0) and ON (1) commands are used to set and query the
system beeper of the instrument.
For example:
SYST:BEEP 0 turn off the beeper
Query Syntax:
Return format: 0 or 1
SYSTem:VERSion? It can query the current version number of the instrument, for
example: Ver 1.00
SYSTem:STSTus? It can query the current status of the instrument.
Return format: DISCharging (indicating the syatem is in discharging), TESTing (indicating
the system is in test).
The SYSTem:HPOWer INTernal or EXTernalcommands are used to set the Handler
interface power.
Command syntax: SYSTem:HPOWer INTernal set the HANDler power as INTernal.
Query Syntax: SYSTem:HPOWer?
Return format: INTernal (indicating the current HANDler power is INTernal), EXTernal
(indicating the current HANDler power is EXTernal).