V04 | 10.2018
Control fields
The following elements in the main window depend on the machine state:
Beverage tab
5 beverage tabs are available for configuration in "Operator" mode. max. 8
beverages can be stored on each tab.
In "Operator" mode, the beverage tabs can be set in the [Beverage settings]
parameter in the [Configuration] menu.
Barista field
Pre-selection field for a beverage option.
The Barista field can be used to adjust the flavour intensity of the dispensed
beverage for one brewing. After beverage dispensing the Barista field re-
turns to the standard setting of "medium". See figure to the left.
Selecting the Barista field toggles between the 3 coffee strengths [black,
medium and strong].
The [Barista] field can be activated in the [View set-up] sub-menu of the
"Configuration" menu.
In "Barista Silver", the [Barista] field is available alternately with the "2x"
In "Barista Silver" mode, there are max. 4 groups that can be selected.
Each group can hold max. 9 beverages.
Selecting a beverage group shows the corresponding beverage page with
the beverages stored there.
The beverage groups can be configured in the "Configuration" menu in the
"Beverage settings" sub-menu.
See also "Programming" - "Beverage selection with groups".
Beverage field The desired beverage can be assigned to each beverage field and configu-
red accordingly.
The display of the beverage fields can be selected under [Beverage button
symbols] in the "Configuration" - "TouchIT configuration" menu.
The respective beverage is dispensed by pressing a beverage field.
The beverages can be configured in the "Configuration" menu in the "Bev-
erage settings" sub-menu.
In the "Barista Silver" mode, the beverage field contains the additional in-
formation that the beverage can be selected with the "Flavour" beverage
option, see figure on the left.
Barista Silver
Pre-selection field for a beverage option.
To be able to dispense decaffeinated beverages (DECAF), two grinders are
needed, one of which is filled with decaffeinated beans. Another possibility
is to manually add decaffeinated ground coffee.
The [DECAF] field is used to define the beverage configuration with decaf-
feinated coffee.
The [DECAF] field can be activated in the [View set-up] sub-menu of the
"Configuration" menu.