Hardware Manual PCD1.M2110R1 │ Document 27-619 │ Version ENG 04 │ 2018-08-20
Saia-Burgess Controls AG
Program Download and Backup
CPU / Control Process Unit
“Before download” area
Two options are available before the downloading
of the user program file:
Stay in Run
Remain in Run The file
is downloaded to the file
system while the PLC
is in RUN. The PLC first
stops the successful
download, parses the file
and performs a restart.
Stop in PCD
First the PLC stops, then
the file is downloaded
to the file system. After
the successful download,
the PLC parses the file
and performs a restart.
The PLC switches to STOP for
the parsing of the new file. This step
takes 2 to 5 seconds, depending
on the size of the user program.
“After download” area
Run the program
Sets the PLC to RUN,
once the download is
successfully completed
Stay in Stop
After the download, PLC
remains in STOP
“Backup to Flash” area
Backup to on-board
Physical outputs with
or without media
mapping save their
values while the new
program is transmitted
to the execution memory.
Delete backup from
On-Board Flash
All media, such as flags
and registers are set
to zero. Including all media
for media mapping.
Backup to Flash Card
Save to flash card
Delete old backups
from All Flash Cards
Deletes old saved
programs from all flash