STN Steam Generators
www.sawo.com | [email protected]
Optional Features
(Optional features are not available in every model)
Cabin Light/Dimmer
If the dimmer is not present and the cabin light button is pressed, it will switch the cabin
light On/Off. When cabin light is ON red LED-indicator next to Cabin light button in the panel
is lit.
If dimmer feature is available press “cabin light” button to turn cabin lights on and off. Light
intensity value will be shown in the display and by pressing “up” or “down” arrows cabin
light can be brighten or dimmed respectively.
If cabin lights are already turned on long press “cabin light” button to activate dimmer in
order to change light intensity.
If no buttons are pressed within 5 seconds the last cabin light intensity value will be saved.
Fan can be operated in “On” and “Standby” modes. Long press (more than 3 seconds) “Fan/
Scent” button in order to switch fan on/off.
Scent Pump
Before switching scent pump on make sure there is enough aroma in the aroma container.
Never run the scent pump dry.
Scent pump can be operated in “On” mode only. In order to switch scent pump on/off short
press “Fan/Scent” button. The Scent pump is allowed to be turned on only when the water
in the tank is boiling.
Each time the scent pump is switched on the interval of the scent pump functioning is
displayed. Interval can now be changed by pressing “up” or “down” arrow buttons between
1 (scent pump is activated every 20 mins) and 20 (pump on continuously). If no keys are
pressed within 5 seconds, the previously displayed value will be shown again and the scent
pump setting is saved.
If scent pump is on when the session time expires or the steam generator is turned off
by pressing “power” button, scent pump will turn off too. Scent pump “on” and “interval”
settings are saved and pump starts automatically on the next session.
To switch off the scent pump short press “Fan/Scent” button in “On” mode.
When the aroma oil is changed, check that the pipeline is not broken or it does not leak. It
is also recommended to wash the fragrance container between changes, especially when
using different fragrances.
The pump is easy to refill quickly: short press “Fan/Scent” button in “On” mode to activate
interval value display. Press and hold “Up” arrow button to reach max. value 20 and scent
pump will run continuously. It will take about 10 seconds for every 1 meter of pipeline for
aroma liquid to reach the pump. As soon as the aroma liquid has reach the pump reset the
pump functioning interval as preferred.
Use only fragrances meant for steam generator use. Follow the instructions in the fragrance
Demand Button
A separate demand button can be installed on any desired location including inside the steam
room. Press of the demand button will immediately release extra steam for 30 seconds.
Pressing the “Demand” button when the steam generator is in “Off” or Standby” mode will
switch the control unit to “On” mode.