Real-Time Communication
The SK-150GT outputs measured data with RS232C signals in real time under the
measurement mode. It is possible to download the measured data (temperature, globe
temperature, humidity and WBGT) to a PC for saving and analyzing by connecting the
optional RS232C cable.
There is no software available exclusively made for the SK-150GT. As necessary,
provide analysis software for this operation.
How to Connect
Plug the optional RS-232C cable into the connection jack on the right side of the unit.
Connect the 9-pin connector of the cable to the serial port of your computer.
Turn the power on to active the measurement mode. The measurement data will be
transmitted to the computer in real time.
Communication Standard
Transmission speed
: 9600 bps
Transmission data length : 8 bits
Stop bit
: 1 bit
Parity check
: None
Communications Protocol Example
Measured values;
WBGT : 26.9°C
: 29.9°C
: 22.3°C
: 92.4% rh
Communications protocol;
W26.9C : T29.9C : T22.3C :
H92.4% ea
For WBGT data, the data of the measuring ambient (IN or OUT) displayed on the LCD.
Make sure you have the correct ambient, either IN or OUT, selected before connecting to
your computer.