Thank you for purchasing the Heat Stress Monitor Model SK-150GT.
This product is for measuring temperature, globe temperature, humidity, and WBGT
Index* . Do not use it for other purposes.
The WBGT (Wet Bulb Globe Temperature) Index is a general heat stress index used
for Hot Environments - Estimation of the Heat Stress on Working Man in accordance
with ISO 7243 / JIS Z8504.
The WBGT Index is often used in health and safety guidelines for workplaces and
sporting situations.
Please read this manual thoroughly before using the instrument and keep the manual in
a safe place for your future reference.
Make sure you fully understand the following facts about this instrument before use for
proper usage.
This instrument
does not
prevent a heat stress.
This instrument indicates WBGT index which can be used as guidelines for general heat
Heat stress is caused not only by high temperature ambient, but also by one
’s health
condition, one
’s adaptability to hot environment and etc.
Never use this instrument in an atmosphere exposed to inflammable gases
as it may explode.
If there is anything you are not clear about this instrument, please
contact the dealer or our homepage.
Please keep the followings for proper use of the instrument.
Use this instrument in a normal atmosphere only.
This instrument is not waterproof. Never let the instrument to get wet.
Using the instrument out of its measuring range can cause malfunctions and damages to
both the main unit and sensors.
Never directly touch the humidity sensor.