10 - failure indication icon. To see description of the failure hover the cursor over the icon.
The grayed out icon means lack of failure.
Fig. 3. Main window of SMET-256 Soft program.
11 - icon changes depending on the state of the telephone connection with reporting station:
– disconnected – ready state.
– calling.
– connection with the reporting station.
– emulation of telephone line disconnection caused by lack of the network cable.
In the window are also available three tabs described below.
4.4 "S
– consecutive number.
– name assigned to the subscriber. It can be up to 10 characters long.
Sys. ID
– enter in this field the system identifier defined in the device provided with reporting
function (alarm control panel, GSM module). The identifier has the hexadecimal format
(digits and letters from A to F).
Using the digit 0 in the identifier is not recommended.
– enter in this field a sequence of 1 to 5 alphanumeric characters,
identifying the device provided with reporting function (alarm control panel, GSM module).
It must correspond to the key defined in this device for monitoring.
Test period
– define in this field the time between consecutive communication tests.
Values from 0 to 255 seconds can be entered. To disable the communication test, enter 0.
By default: 5 seconds.
– number of missing tests – determine in this field the number of unsuccessful
communication tests, after which the converter will generate an event to inform about loss
of communication with the device sending data through the TCP/IP network. Values from 1
to 15 can be entered. By default: 12.
For example, if value 6 is entered in the "Test period" field, and value 5 in the "Count" field,
an event indicating loss of communication will be generated after 30 seconds (after 5
unsuccessful attempts, each of which will take place every 6 seconds).