12 SMET-256
"Reporting" tab
Fig. 8. The "Reporting" tab, "Configuration" window in the web browser (the window available
in the SMET-256 Soft program differs only in graphic details).
Parameters defined in this area apply to subscribers served in the extended mode, i.e.
with communication control. Data of such subscribers must be defined in the
"Subscribers" tab.
For the subscribers served in the extended mode, you must define appropriately
the following parameters: "Test period" (we recommend the maximum value,
i.e. 255 seconds) and "Count" (we recommend the maximum value, i.e. 3).
Server key
– in this field, enter a sequence from 1 to 12 alphanumeric characters to
determine the key for data coding during communication. The identical server key
must be entered in the settings for monitoring the subscriber's device. By default:
– in this field, enter the number of network port to be used for communication.
Values from 1 to 65535 can be entered. The value must be different from that
entered for the other ports. The identical port number must be entered in the settings
for monitoring the subscriber's device. By default: 12345.
Parameters defined in this area apply to subscribers served in the simple mode, i.e.
without communication control.
– when this box is selected, the converter will be able to handle subscribers in
the simple mode.
Server key
– the field is available, if the “Enabled” box is checked. Enter in this field a
sequence from 1 to 12 alphanumeric characters to determine the key for data coding